Are you looking to improve your wealth, health and relationships?



Do you ever feel like the energy in your home is stunting your growth? 

Have you considered trying Feng Shui, the ancient art of rebalancing the energy in your home, in order to overcome life blockages and shake things up? 

What if you woke up in a home where you feel energized, your heart full of love, your mind clear, your goals laid out and ready to seize the day? 

What if you could make free choices without fear of the future, and actually enjoyed spending time in your home? What if you had amazing relationships, inside and outside your home, career opportunities, a refreshed perspective on life? What if your guests lingered at your house for hours, just because? 


Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese practice that seeks to reenergize a space by using the Five Elements theory and the Yin Yang theory, among other powerful tools. When practiced correctly, Feng Shui is transformational, it is life-altering. We could say that Feng Shui is to the home what Acupuncture is to the body.

It is a way of understanding how it moves in our surroundings and how our buildings, their interiors, and our environment affect us. By applying Feng Shui to your surroundings you find that you have opportunities to improve every aspect of your life.

Qi (chee) is life’s energy and is in every living and non living thing and it connects people with their surroundings and is in a constant state of change. When we use Feng Shui we work to enhance the Sheng (good) Qi and deflect or neutralise the Sha (negative) Qi.

There are many different schools of Feng Shui although Flying Star School also known as “Xuan Kong” or “Fei Xing” is the traditional method and the most complicated and comprehensive school. When using Flying Star Feng Shui it is imperative that the consultant is also competent in Form School Feng Shui as they must analyse the external and internal forms in order to correctly analyse the Flying Stars of a building. If you decide to choose a consultant please ensure they have studied Flying Star School and Form School Feng Shui.


Modern Feng Shui should also incorporate Building Biology. Building Biology looks at the health hazards that affect our every day life such as electromagnetic fields, mould etc and as no amount of good Feng Shui can fix these types of issues it is important that you choose a consultant who is aware of these issues and the impact they may have on people.

You should also feel comfortable with your consultant and be able to confirm any qualifications they may have with the college or person they have completed their studies with. In addition to this please check their experience – ask for references and evidence of when they actually completed their studies.

You should also be aware that analysis of the ANNUAL or YEARLY flying stars is NOT adequate and can actually do more harm than good. This is a good point to bring up with a prospective consultant. Any one can look at the annual flying stars but without knowing the unseen energies or “Flying Stars” that are individual to your own home or business this could be disastrous.

AFSC or the Association of Feng Shui Consultants is a non profit association that I founded back in 2005 to help the public choose a qualified Traditional Feng Shui Consultant. Contact them to ensure your consultant is a member as their education has been confirmed and they also have signed the Associations Code of Ethics.


Before you can Feng Shui your home or work place you need to rid yourself of clutter. There is no point implementing remedies if you have clutter, as it will reduce the effective flow of energy.

If you look up the dictionary for the word “clutter” the words referred to are disorder and confusion. This is symbolic of what you may be experiencing in life. In different areas of your home you may have clutter that may refer to the way you are feeling in a specific area of your life. Your home is a reflection of you and clutter can block the energy flowing effectively through the home and therefore can affect opportunities available to you.

Start with a drawer, once you do it you will feel great. Anything that you look at that you do not like or conjures up a negative feeling either throw it out or give it to a charitable organisation. An example of this is a present or gift you may have received from someone you don’t like and every time you see this item you have negative feelings… what is the point of holding onto it? You must surround yourself with positive energy and that means surrounding yourself with items that mean something positive to you and make you feel good.

I make a point of de-cluttering every 6 months. Once I get started it’s hard to stop because you feel a load lifted off your shoulders. If you want to keep things, get organised. Put them in a cupboard so they are neat and you know where everything is. You will feel a lot more in control of your life and you will more than likely find new opportunities presenting themselves to you!


The five elements consist of: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water

The five elements represent a model of the universe which is cyclical yet forever changing. They represent the reoccurring natural cycles of seasonal change, moon phases, day and night, emotions, and even life and death. These elements relate to our environment in which we live.

The elements can work to enhance each other and promote growth. The cycle is inherent in nature. But they can also have a destructive and controlling cycle. It is up to your Feng Shui Consultant to make sure they implement the correct element when advising of remedies.

Fire Forms

Any object that produces real fire, or is pointy in shape and/or red in colour is considered a fire form.

Earth Forms

Anything that is made from earth, or is square and/or yellow, brown or beige in colour is an earth form.

Metal Forms

Anything that is made from metal, or is round or dome shaped and/or white, silver or gold in colour is a metal form.

Water Forms

Anything that contains water, or is wavy in shape, or blue and/or black in colour is a water form.

Wood Forms

Anything that is tall and/or rectangle in shape, green coloured or made from wood will be classified as a wood form.

Space Clearing

Have you ever walked into a home and felt that things are just not right? Maybe not the whole house, it could be just a space or a room, but you get a funny feeling?

Every person has their own energies. As we live and work we can leave an imprint of our energies in the environment, particularly negative energies. These energies can be left from the current occupants and also the past occupants and can influence the way in which we live, their energies can affect us. The great thing is that we can improve the energies of this space, clearing the negative energies by conducting a Space Clearing.

These negative energies need to be cleared so we can focus on “us” and not be swayed by the people who have left their negative energies.

I look at Space Clearing as a type of spring clean. You are removing the negative energies and inviting positive energies to enter your home or work place. It is such an invigorating feeling, you feel refreshed and clear, ready to focus on your life and what you want. Space Clearing is a vital tool in allowing you to rid your home of its negativity and embrace the positive energies of the Universe.

Building Biology

Building Biology refers to how our buildings impact our lives. It is about improving these spaces therefore improving the health of the people who occupy them.

As a Feng Shui Consultant Elizabeth will use some of the principles of Building Biology to assess your home or business. However not being qualified in this area Elizabeth would recommend you contact the Australian College of Environmental Studies who will put you in contact with a qualified Building Biologist if needed.

Building Biology looks at the health hazards that affect our every day life. These include such things as:


Products such as our cleaning products, bleach, dish-washing liquids, fly sprays, hair and skincare products contain harmful and dangerous chemicals and we look at how we can replace these for a non toxic alternative

Electromagnetic fields

These include such things as the location of the electrical box, electrical appliances, power lines, televisions, computers and electric blankets. These can contribute to electromagnetic radiation and constant exposure to these can contribute to a decline in our health.

Air Contaminants

Mould, dust, organisms and metal particles contaminant our air and can make us sick. Good housekeeping and plenty of ventilation can help to lead to a healthier home

Water Contaminants

Our water can be contaminated by various means with the main source being the massive amount of combustion products from industry and the motor vehicle. Tap water should be filtered by a quality water filter prior to drinking.

Moisture Intrusion

This can be from an external source, from the environment or from your bathroom and laundry activities. If the moisture is allowed to damage building materials it can help support the rapid growth of moulds, mildews and bacteria which can lead to illness. The source of the moisture must be found and fixed.

Building Materials

In today’s society building materials used encourage us to lock up our homes so we can cool and heat them, make them smell nice and provide us with an artificial atmosphere. Open the windows, let the fresh air flow through, good ventilation is very important.